#18,680,960 (
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Title: Survival Skills Education and Development
Description: Survival Skills is a series of functional life management and job readiness skills workshops targeting the disenfranchised and disempowered with the focus of helping participants find their own strengths, their own answers, and gain the necessary life sk
Keywords:Life skills, soft skills, life management skills, evidence-based life skills development research, at-risk men, youth, women welfare-to-work empowerment, self-sufficiency, job readiness, workforce development workplace skills, functional life skills high-impact youth, men, women, resiliency disenfranchised, disempowered, impoverished, fundamental life skills best-practice model co, re-entry, outcome measures school-to-work, transition skills, offender re-entry, Work First adult learning principles, life skills training behavioral learning princi, core competency life skills for teens, life skills curriculum career advancement,
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