Title: MYKI: Offline Password Manager and 2FA Authenticator
Description: Own your Digital Identity by securely storing Passwords and 2FA offline, across your devices. Available on Mac, PC, Linux, iOS and Android.
Title: KidBiz3000: The Leader in Differentiated Instruction
Description: The educational web site that integrates technology with the regular classroom curriculum. A variety of features, including daily news, secure e-mail, and technology lessons, make technology part of the regular classroom curriculum.
Title: TeenBiz3000: The Leader in Differentiated Instruction
Description: The educational web site that integrates technology with the regular classroom curriculum. A variety of features, including daily news, secure e-mail, and technology lessons, make technology part of the regular classroom curriculum.
Title: Empower3000: The Leader in Differentiated Instruction
Description: The educational web site that integrates technology with the regular classroom curriculum. A variety of features, including daily news, secure e-mail, and technology lessons, make technology part of the regular classroom curriculum.