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Google search volume for "microperf"

Website results for "microperf"

 10 websites found

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#0 (0%) -
Title: On Paper
Description: On Paper is a full-service commercial printer in San Francisco, offering everything you need from outputting your graphics files to the final bindery on your print jobs. Count on our 25 years of expertise to handle all your fine commercial printing needs.
Title: ..::IMPRESIONAMOS - SERVICIOS GIGANTOGRAFICOS::.. (Bakings, pendones, pancartas, floorgraphics, windows graphics, afiches, r�tu
Description: Impresionamos - Servicios Gigantograficos
#9,983,047 (0%) -
Title: SPI - Precision CNC machining (AS9100); Micro-perforation of soft goods
Description: Divisions: Precision Processing Systems - AS9100 certified tight tolerance CNC machining; Specialty Precision Perforating - soft goods/vinyl microperforation.
Title: IPM industrial electro perforation, permeability coresta measurement, laser material web application
Description: electro laser material processing, porosity sensor measurement equipment at fast speeds paper material
#635,554 (-16%) -
Title: IMPRESSION BACHE et Banderole Publicitaire. Vitrophanie et kakemono
Description: IMPRESSION BACHE GRAND FORMAT ★ Impression sur banderole publicitaire bache PVC adhesif vitrophanie vitrine microperfore stickers Lyon Paris kakemono