Title: KLD Youth Foundation | Changing lives by educating and empowering young people, one life at a time, Grades K-12, Merritt Island
Description: KLD Youth Foundation. Changing lives by educating and empowering young people, one life at a time, Grades K-12, 321-454-7333 Christian, Academy, School, Brevard, Merritt Island, Florida, 3295
Title: Dancing with Brevard 2012 • Serving a higher purpose as it benefits KLD, Merritt Island, Florida.
Description: DANCING WITH BREVARD 2010. Melbourne, FL 321-454-7333. Fifteen professional dancers, Fifteen community celebrities, two emcees and lots of glitz and glitter add up to one of the most amazing evenings coming to Brevard County in 2010!
Title: Dancing Coast to Coast 2012 • Serving a higher purpose as it benefits the KLD Youth Foundation, Merritt Island, Florida.
Description: DANCING WITH BREVARD 2010. Melbourne, FL 321-454-7333. Fifteen professional dancers, Fifteen community celebrities, two emcees and lots of glitz and glitter add up to one of the most amazing evenings coming to Brevard County in 2010!
Title: Dancing with Central Florida 2012 • Serving a higher purpose as it benefits the KLD Youth Foundation, Merritt Island, Florida.
Description: DANCING WITH CENTRAL FLORIDA 2010. Melbourne, FL 321-454-7333. Fifteen professional dancers, Fifteen community celebrities, two emcees and lots of glitz and glitter add up to one of the most amazing evenings coming to Orange County in 2010!
Title: Constipation Support • Foundational Nutritional Powerhouse! Nourish and Cleanse the Body.
Description: DANCING WITH CENTRAL FLORIDA 2010. Melbourne, FL 321-454-7333. Fifteen professional dancers, Fifteen community celebrities, two emcees and lots of glitz and glitter add up to one of the most amazing evenings coming to Orange County in 2010!
Description: The services and products that we offer include website designs, animated banner designs, logo designs, website hosting plans, domain name registrations, indoor and outdoor advertising displays, vehicle wrapping, and can even offer Premium Rated SMS