Title: TheyFly.com - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts - Home
Description: They Fly is the official site of Michael Horn, Billy Meier's authorized American media representative and features Meier's UFO photos, films, video, sound recordings and metal samples, his prophecies and predictions, as well as the new feature length fil
Keywords:UFO, Contacts, Billy Meier, Pleiadian, Plejaren, Ptaah, prophecies, extraterrestrial, ET, Michael Horn, Steelmark, ufo photos, ufo proof, beamship, spacecraft, spirituality, Switzerland, Wendell Stevens, contact report, Pleiades, Erra, Quetzal, Eduard Albert Meier, And Still They Fly, Conspiracy,
... (View More)
And Yet They Fly, The Silent Revolution of Truth, Phantom, ufo lectures, ufo sounds, crop circles, landing tracks, hyperspace, Semjase, contact reports, skeptics, scientists, space, extraterrestrial, outer space, Key Future Survival, Creation, time travel, predictions, Talmud Jmmanuel, universe, universal, peace, Salome, planets, stars, Creation, JHWH, astronomy, tachyon, spaceship, Coast To Coast, News, discovery, hoax, cover-up, Roswell, Zeitgeist, abduction, war on terror, CIA, Iran, Iraq, RFID, Microchip, Grays, aliens, speed of light, freedom, Tesla, WWIII, SETI, CSETI, physics, UFOlogy, exopolitics, FIGU, evidence, Mars, Malona, analysis, Earth, justice, Aliens, Henoch, Evolution, Drudge, Rense, Larry King, Michael Savage, Stars, DVD, Reptilians, 911, Book, Free, WTC, Al Qaeda, Homeland Security, Federal Reserve, New World Order, religion, love, speaker, Patriot Act, Bio-chip, movie, film(View Less)