#21,619,243 (
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Title: FONY | pfony.com : Home of John Oswald's FONY music label ===
Description: FONY - Official Site of John Oswald's FONY music label... www.pfony.com includes exclusive web projects, plus the Latest News and info about John Oswald, his activities and recordings ... for even more detailed info/history go to www.plunderphonics.com
Keywords:John Oswald, fony, FONY, PFONY, plunderphonics, plunderphonic, plunderfony, plunderphony, plunder, chronophotics, xerochrony, Oswaldian Space, plexure, grayfolded, aparanthesi, arc of apparitions, burrows, jackoscan, 69plunderphonics96 boxset, cut ups, cut up method, sampling, electro-acoustic, dab, mystery tapes,
... (View More)