Title: Welcome to MPR
Description: MPR solves challenging engineering problems that bring benefits to society. We bring exceptional value to you, our client, by committing to your success, working in a collaborative way with you, fulfilling our promises and exceeding your expectations.
Keywords:Advanced Light Water Reactor Development, Alarm System Upgrades, Analysis of Hydraulic Transients in Piping Syst, ASME Code Manufactures Design Report, Boiler Combustion & Emissions Control, Boiling Water Reactors, BOLTPro, Torque, Preload, and Stress Analysis for Threaded Fasteners, BWR ECCS Suction Strainer Services, BWR Vessels and Internals, Risk Reduction Initiative, Chemical Process Industry, Combustion Turbine Generator Support, Competitive Power Producers, Computer Software Development, Condition Based Maintenance, Configuration Management, Control Room Design Review, Human Factors, Core Shroud Repair for BWRs, Data Acquisition and Monitoring, Design Basis Integration, Design Basis Reconstitution,
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Diesel and Gas Engine Services, Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions, Transient Performance Advisor TPA, Drywell Containment Structure, Electrical Systems and Components, EMI/RFI, Noise & Surge Protection, Nuclear Power Plant Specification, Design, and Construction, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Restoration and Waste Management, Erosion/Corrosion of Piping Systems, Fossil Power Engineering, Fracture Mechanics Analyses, Governor Control Systems, Halon Alternatives, Computer Models, Heat Exchanger and Feedwater Heater Design and, Instrumentation and Control Systems, Digital Instrumentation and Control Upgrades, License Renewal Engineering Services, Load Distribution on Boiler Structural Support, Main Coolant Pumps, Marine Engineering, Managing Steam Generator Problems, Material Condition Plant Life Extension Studies, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Shaft Seal Development and Problem S, Medical Products Design, Microfilter Applications for Fossil Plant Conde, Moisture Separator Reheaters, Problem Solving/Root Cause Investigations, Motor Operated Valves, Nondestructive Examination of Carbon Steel Tube, Nuclear Power Engineering, Nuclear Fuel and High Level Waste System Design, Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry, PipeMaster, Power Plant Simulation, Pressurized Water Reactors, Procedure and Checklist Preparation, Radioactive Waste Handling, Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Cartridge Hoist System, Reducing Opacity by Increasing Precipitator Per, Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, Relay and Control Circuits, Restart and Startup Assessments, Seismic Engineering, EPRI, Service Water System Problem Solving, Soviet-Designed Nuclear Reactor Plants, Specification and Procurement, Steam Generator Problem Resolution, Steam Generator Replacement, Steam Turbine Reliability, Stress Analyses, Three Mile Island, Turbine Generator Problem Solving, Turbine Generator Torsional Vibration, Turbine Water Induction Protection, USI A-46 and IPEEE Seismic Issue Resolution, Using the Leading Edge Flowmeter to Recover Meg, Utility Engineering Training, Valve Engineering, Waterwall Inspection and Evaluation Program.(View Less)