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Title: Sleep Wake Disorders Center of South Florida
Description: Sleep-Wake Disorders Center of South Florida, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of those affected with sleep disorders by providing superior, compassionate and personalized care.
Keywords:a good nightÍs sleep, AASM, activity during sleep, ambulation, American Board of Sleep Medicine, American Sleep Disorders Association, anxiety, APSS, ASDA, awake, bed, bedtime, breath, breathing, caffeine, canÍt sleep, childrens sleep, circadian rhythms, chronic, chronic fatigue, day, daytime sleepiness, depression, difficulty concentrating, difficulty in awakening,
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disorders, Doctor, dream, dreaming, dreams, drowsiness, dysfunction, EEG, EKG, EMG, EOG, excessive daytime sleepiness, excessive sleepiness, excessively deep sleep, fatigue, Fellowship, Fibromyalgia, Fibromyositsis, Fibrositis Syndrome, good sleep, hygiene, health-care, Hypersomnia, infant sleep, insomnia, Journal SLEEP, medicine, MEDSleep, MSLT, Multiple Sleep Latency Test, muscle contractions, nap, napping, naps, Narcolepsy, National Center on Sleep Disorders Research, National Sleep Foundation, Neurology, night, night sweats, night terrors, nightmare, nightmares, nighttime, no sleep, nocturnal, nocturnal bruxism, Nocturnal myoclonous, nocturnal tooth-clenching, non-REM sleep, obstruction, obstructive sleep apnea, Otolaryngology, oximeter, Pavor Nocturnus, polysomnogram polysomnographic monitoring, provigil, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pulmonology rapid eye movement, REM, REM sleep, research, restful, restless, restless legs syndrome, rheumatic pain modulation disorder, rls, SAA, SaO2, severe autonomic discharge, sleep, sleep all the time, Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology, sleep apnea(View Less)