Description: The Vatican (also ''The Holy City'') is the central governing body of the Catholic Church consisting of the Pope & the Roman Curia is a sovereign entity recognized by international laws.
Title: Christian software for church ministries and staff.
Description: RCL Software started by writing a library program for the church media library. The library ministry can catalog, maintain circulation with or without barcode scanning, track history, and with may reports. Like the library manager most of our programs ar
Title: Centre For World Rebirth | Nigeria | Dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua
Description: Welcome to the Official Website of the Centre For World Rebirth | Custodians of the sect of the Nazarene Judaism | Restoring the Backslidden leaders back to statusquo ante by declaring all-out war on Apostasy | Uniting the Houses of Israel and Judah back
Title: Apostolic Reformation Ministry | Kingdom | Third Day | Prophetic
Description: Apostolic reformation resources is a Kingdom of God prophetic tool aiding transition into Third Day accuracy for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ
Title: Christian Revival | Prophecy, Bible School Diploma, Affiliation
Description: The coming world-wide reformation and revival, revival central, revival prophecy, revival insights, church affiliate certificate, online bible school diploma
Description: The congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of New York, founded by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, is an apostolic congregation of diocesan right, recognized and affirmed in its life and mission by the Church.