Title: Exhibition magazine
Description: Exhibition is a brand new creative plateform, based in Paris, driven by a collective of 3 people: Edwin Sberro, Gaël Hugo and Boris Ovini. The product of their collaboration is an annual concept magazine, that features some of the bests contemporary pho
Keywords:Stéphane Pelletier, Willy Vanderperre, David Vandewal, Mark Segal, Dusan Reljin, Dree Hemingway, Natacha Lesueur, Delphine Lamandé-Frearson, Saskia de Brauw, Roxane Danset, Dominique Paquet, Nicolas Degennes, Pierre Lescure, Boris Ovini, Guido Mocafico, Pierre Hermé, Val Garland, Tom Pécheux, Sølve Sundsbø, Nathalie Perret, Emmanuel Lacoste, Benjamin Lignel, Magdalena Frackowiak, Catherine Servel, Ellis Faas,
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