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Google search volume for "bioluminescence"

Website results for "bioluminescence"

 12 websites found

#8,844,026 (+35%) -
Title: Image Processing, Medical Imaging, 3D Graphics, Data Visualization
Description: We provide full life cycle technology and management solutions in Image processing, Medical Imaging, 3D Graphics, Data Visualization for our customers design and development of newer and better software or hardware products
#16,195,459 (0%) -
Title: bioluminescent, luciferase, luciferin, glowing products
Description: Prolume is a biotechnology company whose core business is based upon newly discovered genes from deep water marine bioluminescent organisms.
#8,201,167 (-38%) -
Title: Welcome to Genelux - intro
Description: Not available
Keywords:Genelux, Genelux Corporation, GL-ONC1, GLV-1h68, San Diego, California, Bernried, Germany, Redlands, Genelux GmbH, Research and development, R&D, Product development, Oncolytic virotherapy, Oncolytic viral therapy, Live vector therapy, Live vector-mediated therapy, Immunotherapy, Gene therapy, Biotech, biotechnology, Oncology, Clinical oncology, Virology, Molecular biology,
... (View More)
#9,746,894 (+99%) -
Title: HemoGenix -- Cell Proliferation, Cell Viability, Methylcellulose Colony Forming Assays and Cell Differentiation Assays
Description: HemoGenix develops speciality assays for the life sciences, stem cell and cellular therapy research, biopharma and its contract research services.
#3,981,899 (+171%) -
Title: Cylex™ Inc. :: We Illuminate Immunity to Improve Health™
Description: Cylex™ Inc., maker of ImmuKnow®, develops and manufactures in vitro diagnostic products that illuminate immunity. 888.33.CYLEX, --ISO 9001:2000, 13485:2003 certifications.
#18,722,205 (0%) -
Title: Glowing Plant
Description: A blog dedicated to creating a glowing plant using synthetic biology and genome compiler Subscribe to our mailing list
#10,450,475 (-39%) -
Title: Steve Haddock's Home Page
Description: Pictures of plankton (especially ctenophores), a few poems and compositions
#2,076,214 (-25%) -
Title: UVP, LLC:: BioImaging Systems, Gel Documentation, Colony Counting, Small Animal Imaging, Gel Imaging, PCR, In Vivo, Western Blo
Description: UVP, LLC, a world leader in the production of BioImaging and Analysis Systems, Gel Documentation, Laboratory Products and Ultraviolet Products