Hooooly shit. According to this writer, Xfinity is falsely impersonating its customers in order to post anti-net neutrality comments on the FCC website.
Try to even it out by visiting gofccyourself.com and hitting +EXPRESS and leaving a pro-net neutrality comment.
Comcastroturf.com explains to the public that “someone has submitted nearly half a million anti-net neutrality comments to the FCC, many of which appear to be completely fake — using stolen names and addresses,” and gives anyone an opportunity to check if their name is being used without their knowledge. Today, Fight for the Future released a statement to announce that Comcast’s attorneys had sent them a cease and desist order that insists the group “take all steps necessary to see that the Domain Name [Comcastroturf.com] is assigned to Comcast.”
I got a fantastic new tablet (much bigger than my old one!) with my last paycheck and hoo boy is it nice! Here’s a Bulbasaur I drew to help me get used to how it handles
I’m thinking about opening a side blog for Pokemon artwork, I’ll post it later if I decide to do so! :v
Aeriehas just launched #AerieMAN. The new campaign, which coincides with the upcoming release of a mens line, is helping to further swing the body positivity movement to include men in the conversation. While the women’s body positive movement continues to gain steam, the need for male body positivity is often overlooked.